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approach zone中文是什么意思

用"approach zone"造句"approach zone"怎么读"approach zone" in a sentence


  • 果岭周边区域
  • 接近区段
  • 进近区


  • A good many case of approaching excavation are studied in this article , such as the study of infection of be coal mining to the huayingshan tunnel , technology study of strucked tunnels of metro in shenzhen , countermeasure study of tunnel approaching pile foundation of metro in guangzhou , excavation methods optimized of large cross section subaqueous tunnel approaching pile foundation of lrt in chongqing , etc . on the basic of analysing and concluding relative study production all over the the world by the numbers , classification of approaching excavation , partition of approach zone , formula of partition of approaching zone , approach degree and countermeasure grade of generalized approaching excavation of underground works are put forward . general methods studying and trea
用"approach zone"造句  
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